Registration form

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
0,00 €
I accept that organizer will score the event with Balloon Live Sensors which work together with the Balloon Live app. The price of the app and the pilot tokens must be paid by the competitors. I accept the Balloon Live Privacy Policy

I accept that organizer will provide PBS live tracking system on the Event. I accept the Privacy Policy

If the organizer accepts my application, I authorize to share this personal data with the organizer.

I acknowledge that the organizers and officials of the competition can see my track during the task without any restrictions. I also acknowledge that if I do not disable it on the website, my track recorded during the task will be displayed to the public.

I acknowledge that the following personal information may appear to the public in connection with the competition: My name, my photo, photo of my balloon.

I acknowledge that photo, video and audio recording may be made for the press and the public at the Event. I also acknowledge that, me and my team and my balloon can appear on these, without additional permission and fee.